Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"Letter To Me" by Braid Paisley

As a college student I often feel a little bit lost. Am I on the wrong path? Should I be taking these classes? Have I chosen the right friends?

Life is full of choices and consequences, and as a young person all of it can be overwhelming. It's a theme Brad Paisley captures in perfect context with the song "Letter To Me."

From the opening line about stashing X-Rated content away from my parents, to idea that love and relationships drive most of our young decisions, I connected with every word in Paisley's song. Teenage life is defined by parties, new experiences, and first dates with the cute girl we have a crush on.

Yet we are also burdened by hard classes, broken relationships and never ending fights with our parents. And when something doesn't go right, it can feel like the end of the world.

"I wish you wouldn't worry and let it be. Have a little faith and you will see."

Thinking at this age isn't logical and usually makes no sense at all. We crave responsibility and expect freedom to explore the world for the first time. These years are the most exciting and terrifying part of our lives. And Paisley proves that he gets it with his dead on lyrics and reassuring optimism.

"I know you're wondering if you'll survive the night. But trust me, you'll make it through this and see that you're still around to write this letter to me."

What makes these years so fun and exciting is also what holds us back from realizing our potential. At our age, it really is difficult to see past Friday night. We don't see the new relationships and memories waiting for us down the road. Our graduation and our wedding day. Our children and our grand children.

"You have so much up ahead. These are no where near the best years of your life."

As the song fades to a close, I am left feeling calm and optimistic. Even though in the back of my mind I know it's not possible, I feel like a future me has just phoned in for a friendly conversation.

He reassured me that everything will be ok. He encouraged me to have faith and enjoy what I have around me. He asked me to love the family and friends in my life. And he promised me that I'm still around to write this letter to me.