Wednesday, November 18, 2009

WP3: Prewriting Assignment 1

I have skydived out of an airplane. I've talked with music superstars in front of screaming fans, and appeared on national television. I've even gone hunting for gators in the Florida Everglades.

But I have never had any experience with art objects.

That is a little strange, considering that art has always been a big part of my life. When I was a kid I used to spend hours and hours drawing and painting pictures in my free time. At the age of eight I was writing stories with characters, chapters and complex plots.

I was also artistic through the use of video cameras and photography in elementary school. I remember when my mom bought me my first camera, and how excited I was to use it. I would go around taking pictures of everything I could see. Dogs, people, trees, anything! Even McDonalds.

And while those pictures probably were not very good, it showed my passion for art and creativity even before I knew what I wanted to do with my life.

As I have grown older I find that I continue to use art in many areas of my life. I have always enjoyed using the internet, and constantly express myself through forum posts and blogging on various websites. A few years I also began using Photoshop, and have spent hundreds of hours working with all sorts of pictures in the artistic program.

Today as a college student I still use art on a regular basis. I am currently in a graphics class where I have the opportunity to design magazine, newspaper and book covers in a program called InDesign. I love using colors and shapes to be creative and to convey a message.

And though I haven’t had a lot of experience with art objects like what we saw today at the Sheldon Art Museum, I am excited for the experience. I have enjoyed many different forms of art throughout my life and I don't think that will change anytime soon.

I loved my first impression of my art object 'Torso' and can't wait to explore it further during our final class project. Ready or not, here we go!

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