Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pathos and Brad Paisley

Pathos is defined as persuasion through emotion. I believe country music utilizes pathos more than any other genre. Country songs often tell a story and make you feel something, bringing to life our deepest memories, hopes and dreams.

Brad Paisley is especially talented in this area. And it's one of the reasons his music and this song "Letter To Me" really hit home with so many listeners.

"She wasn't right for you, but you still feel like there's a knife sticking out of your back."

Paisley knows the emotion every human being on Earth can relate to. Love. And with love comes terrible heartbreak. Some say you can't live without love. And others know that losing someone we love can make us no longer want to live.

So it's no surprise that Paisley ties such a powerful emotion into almost all of his music. And he's not alone. Just about every song that you hear on the radio is about love. Or sex. But that's for another conversation (or blog post).

"You should really thank Ms. Brinkman. She spent so much extra time. It's like she sees the diamond underneath, and she's polishing you until you shine."

Love isn't always defined as romance between a boy and a girl. There is love for family. Love for a friend or person in our lives. There is even love for a way of life. These feelings are more difficult to sing about. How do you connect with everyone when we are all so different?

The answer is all around us. Paisley reminds us that we often do not appreciate the most important people in our lives. We are greatly influenced by people we often take for granted. We say quick hellos and goodbyes to casual acquaintances at school. And we can often go an entire day without more than few words to our close friends and family.

When you think about it, do you really take the time to appreciate the people around you? To listen and hug and love them? And more importantly, what's stopping you?

"I wish you wouldn't worry and let it be. Have a little faith and you will see."

If there is one universal emotion that might give love a run for it's money, it's the human sense of fear and uncertainty. We often go through our lives feeling lost and confused. Where do we turn next? Are we on the right path?

Concerns over grades, money, relationships and responsibilities sometimes overshadow what is really important in life. "Letter To Me" essentially boils down to a song about making sure the little things don't get in the way of what really matters.

Perhaps the reason Brad Paisley is so popular and successful is his mastery of pathos. I don't think it's coincidence that millions of fans connect with his music so passionately. Emotions like love and fear are what define us and make us human. And the people around us our what make life worth living.

So the next you're drowning in homework, struggling through a bad day or stumbling to find meaning in your life, remember what really matters. Oh, and pop in a Brad Paisley CD while you're at it.

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