Saturday, September 19, 2009

Logos by Brad Prasley

Nothing makes us appreciate something more than losing it forever. And that applies even more so with the time we are given on Earth.

Even at the ripe old age of 19, I sometimes catch myself remember what it was like to be younger. Before I had all of this responsibility. Back when things were different. Those were the good old days it seems. Contrasting our youth when as we get older seems to be one of the most common feelings that people as a whole experience. And it's a form of logos Brad Prasley used to perfection in his hit single "Letter To Me."

As young people the future can seem scary and intimidating. We are so consumed with the here and now that it's hard to think about what could be waiting for us down the road. Perhaps that is one reason activities like sex, underage drinking, alcohol consumption and other illegal activities come so easily to us when we're young. We either don't care or don't want to think about the consequences.

But Brad Prasley forces us to question this thinking between the present and the future. And in doing so he not only makes us think twice about how we live our lives today. He also brings a sense of reassurance and calm so that we can look forward to the future.

"You have so much going for you, going right."

College students have jobs and responsibilities. Most of us try to make good decisions, to work for the future. We try to get good grades and stay out of trouble. Deep down I think most of us want to make our parents proud. But sometimes, it's hard to see the all of the work paying off. That's where Praisley, appearing in this video as a future version of himself who can write a letter to his younger self, is so reassuring to the viewer. We can see how in our older years looking back, how simple things were and the advice we would have given.

"I guess I'll see you in the mirror. When you're a grown man. P.S. go hug Aunt Rita, every chance you get."

I think the biggest form of logos used by Prasley in the song is juxtaposition through hinsight. The knowledge that we gain as we grow up, and the things that we learn through life experience. Even as a college student I have learned so much since started college, or high school for that matter. What advice would I give to myself six years ago, as a 14 year old boy starting high school? What would I have done differently? What did I worry needlessly about. What should I really care about?

That is the ultimate form of logos. Learning from our mistakes, and improving our flaws. And imagine if we really did have an opportunity to write a letter to our younger selves. What would you say? What would you change? Would you change anything? It really makes you wonder about the power of logos.

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